Apr 22, 2010

Dashboards as a Marketing Strategy

I know there are several organizations that build dashboards for their process improvement initiatives. Any change initiative such as ISO 9001, CMMI, or Balanced Scorecard requires support from the entire organization. Hence marketing the concepts, process and the benefits of the change initiative is essential to reduce resistance to change. Using dashboards to convey the progress can create tremendous interest and involvement from the entire organization.

You can use a dashboard not just for process improvements, but for any service you provide, to create a powerful impact.

What are the characteristics of a good dashboard?

Seth Godin, a marketing genius and author of several best sellers, has made the following observations on dashboards.
  1. If you can add a digital dashboard to your service, do it.
  2. If you can make the dashboard public, it gets more powerful.
  3. Highlight data that changes behavior.
  4. Allow the user to highlight the information that matters to them.

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